Beebys Limited COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Policy
Beebys Limited is committed to keeping employees safe whilst at work during the pandemic and have put a number of changes in place to protect employees at work. We have completed a risk assessment for each area of the business and these can be found on our website or if you would prefer a copy then you can contact us to request this. Although we hope these assessments cover the majority of risks that employees encounter, we encourage employees to give feedback if they have any concerns which have not been covered or if they have any comments. Employees know their own risks best and we want employees to feel comfortable to raise any concerns they have so that we can find a resolution together.
We have taken steps to ensure that staff that can work from home are doing so and where this is not possible we have put in various other measures to ensure safety such as, increased cleaning, hand washing and hygiene procedures and guidance on maintaining 2m distance – further information on these steps can be found in our risk assessments.
We are working closely with our clients’ to ensure that employees who work at a client’s site are following particular site rules and where possible are trying to arrange for our employees to attend sites when none of our clients staff are on site. We are also ensuring that our employees feel safe whilst on a clients site and will take steps should any problems arise.
We have informed all employees of the steps that they should take in the event that they develop any symptoms and more information on this can also be found in our risk assessments.
If there are any queries or issues in relation to this policy or the aforementioned risk assessments then please contact Paula Gow via e-mail;